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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Reviews put the power in social media

Social Media is obviously more than a trend. It seems like everyone is on twitter, facebook and LinkedIn. However, many small businesses are struggling with how to properly use social media to attract and retain customers. I often hear strategy on social media and get thoughts on my business - sometimes this comes from people who have never used any social media at all. At times I am forced to listen to the good and the bad (the non social media users in the bad category).

One place small businesses can focus on is customers reviews and work hard to make it part of their culture. Google is making a big push with Google Places and I predict that reviews will become an integral part of search results in the very near future (within the next 12 months at the latest). If you are a business, you will need them - it will be your number one asset to attract customers.

Do I hear about how to use reviews from people who don't know what they are? Yes, but soon most will know and only a few will be like the Twitter & FaceBook laggards.